Hanlin Wu, Henry


I am a PhD candidate of Linguistics (expected to get the degree in 2024) in the Language Processing Lab at the Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Prior to joining the lab, I worked as a research assistant at the Institute of Psychology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. I have a Research Master’s degree in Basic Psychology at Renmin University of China (2020), and a B.A. in Translation and Interpreting at Beijing International Studies University (2017).

I’m interested in how the human brain represents and processes linguistic and social information. My PhD thesis looks at how the demographic information of the speaker influences spoken language comprehension. Meanwhile, I am doing projects related to how social-emotional information and linguistic information are processed in the brains of children with and without Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In most of my work, I use methods of EEG and fMRI.

My Research Journal

25 June 2024. I’ve got a paper accepted! Wu, H., Duan, X., & Cai, Z. G. (2024). Speaker demographics modulate listeners’ neural correlates of spoken word processing. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. https://doi.org/10.1162/jocn_a_02225. Today is exactly one year from the first time I presented this work at Cogsci 2023 Hong Kong Meetup.

25 May 2024. I attend The 7th International Conference of Psycholinguistics in China (CAP2024) in Dalian, China, and give an oral presentation Implausible Speech Comprehension.

3 December 2023. AMLaP Asia 2023 has been successfully concluded! This has been the first international acedemic conference in which I was a co-organiser. I am so happy that many attendees have enjoyed the three-day conference as well as the pre-conference workshop.

31 August 2023. I attend AMLaP 2023 in San Sébastian, Spain. I present my poster Speaker’s Demographic Identity Modulates Listener’s Neural Processing of Language Use.

24 June 2023. Cogsci 2023 Hong Kong Meetup has been successfully concluded! This has been the first local academic event that I’ve co-organised. I also gave an oral presentation Belief of Speakers’ Linguistic Competence Modulates the N400 Effect Elicited by Inconsistent Lexical Use. Recording of the CogSci 2023 can be found here, with the passcode “A?Zp^U.4”.